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About Us

What is the

About Madaba Care Solution

Begin Your Journey with
Madaba Care Solution

At Madaba Care Solution, our goal is to provide the services and support necessary for people to live an empowered life. We take a holistic approach in helping clients achieve their goals while providing great home-living options, social participation opportunities and specialised assistance without any waitlists!

Our dedicated team works side by side with individuals each step of the way towards improved independence and autonomy. Together we strive to build better lives for everyone involved - participants, families and loved ones alike.

With our mission of building better lives for everyone involved, we strive to offer specialised assistance that leads towards greater independence and allows individuals to achieve lasting goals.

Meet Our Team of Experts:

We believe that the success of our service is heavily determined by the quality and dedication of our team. Because of this, all members are carefully selected for their credentials as well as put through extensive training programs to gain a deeper understanding into disability best practices. Our in-depth approach not only covers core knowledge but also encourages critical thinking when assessing how to provide participants with optimal support solutions.

Our Values :


Our team understands that all individuals are worthy of the highest esteem and deserve to be accorded respect no matter their circumstances.


Our priority is to empower you with genuine
choice, control and capacity-building so that
together we can accomplish your aims.


Our services are characterised by compassionate leadership, respectful interactions and complete transparency. We take pride in our outstanding reputation for delivering quality care that goes above and beyond customer expectations.

Begin Your Journey with Madaba Care Solution - Our team is ready to help you begin your journey towards a better life. Connect with us for information about accessible housing and disability services, so we can provide all the details - from options to how our services work - That will make today just the start of something great!

Delivering Excellence in Every Aspect of Care

Our team of professionals possess the expertise and compassion needed to deliver superior care
for our participants. We also customise disability training sessions tailored specifically to satisfy
your unique requirements.So that everyone we serve can receive optimal support.


Frequently Asked

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support services to enjoy an ordinary life for both adults and children who have any kinds of developmental delay or disability in Australia.

  • What does the NDIS provide?
    The NDIS will provide all Australians under the age of 65 who have a permanent and significant disability with the reasonable and necessary supports they need to enjoy an ordinary life.
  • How will the NDIS help me?
    The NDIS will help people with disability achieve their goals. This may include greater independence, community involvement, employment and improved wellbeing.
  • How long does it last?
    As an insurance scheme, the NDIS takes a lifetime approach, investing in people with disability early to improve their outcomes later in life.

Our Clients Say
About Us

Living with a disability will never be easy but we are here to overcome those challenges to build a rewarding life


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